Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Thanksgiving Travel

Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at the farm!

If you're planning on traveling to be with family this year on Thanksgiving, you are not alone. We ran across this article on CNN that discusses the impact of holiday traveling. You can read the whole article here. The article has some useful tips on how to make your Turkey Day a safe and enjoyable experience, whether you are driving or flying.

Have a safe and Happy Holiday!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Thanksgiving Day Run

Are you a big runner? We recently came across this article in the Deseret News, and it turns out, there are tons of great turkey day runs this year. If you've been looking for a great Thanksgiving day run, check out the whole article here. And don't forget a Chocolate Milk Recovery for after!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

All Your Thanksgiving Needs

That time is almost here! Thanksgiving is just weeks away, are you ready? Winder Farms has all your Thanksgiving needs - Turkeys, Hams, Pies, Junior's Desserts, Eggnog, and more! In addition to ordering everything you need for your Thanksgiving, you can help a family in need this year by donating to your local food bank. Winder Farms makes it easy by allowing you to add a donation to your weekly order. Donations range from $1 to $100. From all of us at the farm, have a safe and happy Thanksgiving!